Singer, Songwriter, FRIZZ RECORDS Recording Artist, & Host of IS BLACK MUSIC? on Resonance FM

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

A Song For You

Still. Were the Temptations the baddest or what?

I just watched a clip of Dennis Edwards singing Leon Russell's A Song For You. Dennis Edwards sang lead for the Temptations after David Ruffin left. And as great as Ruffin was, Dennis Edwards and co didn't let his departure stop them from making some awesome albums, including the psychedelic soul classics Cloud Nine, Puzzle People, Psychedelic Shack, and Masterpiece.

The last great album they made was titled A Song For You. It had Richard Street (who sang with the group before the were called the Temptations) taking leads on the eloquent song Firefly ("Even when I have to lie, I shouldn't have to lie, to make the world seem alright.") and the stylised signifying Hey Girl. Ultimate modern soul template.

But when Dennis Edwards takes back the mic to sing A Song For You. No one can touch him. He is the souliest Soul Brotha to have his feet on the planet. He takes a great sentimental ballad and flips it into a provocative declaration of heartfelt present moment manifestation. He brings the past to the present. He brings the future to the present. All time and space is in his rendition of this song.

But the greatest astoundment is the BV's (backing vocals). When the Temps themselves all pick up their mics you can't believe what you hear. You think this must be a record. No! They sound that great singing together live. It is not a record. The Temps pull out their experienced Doo Wop chops and hit us with harmonies so in tune that they climb out of your toes.

The band that accompanied them is super bad too. They smooth the ballad into a funk chill. Even though the recorded sound quality here isn't technically pristine, it still is there to bare witness to the Temptations phenomenon.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Treat yourself to this viewing and prepare to be hit with frank glory: